Saturday, August 4, 2012

Memories - Singfest - Singapore - 2 years ago

August 04, 2010, I was in Singapore to attend the festival because Signfest Tokio Hotel performed. I've never been so hot in a concert and yet it was evening and outside. 35 ° C and 80% of humidity! Mmmhh Very very hot!
I watched morning today the videos of this performance of Tokio Hotel I recorded. It was so great! First row! The guys were really very good despite the heat!! 

I have on my YouTube channel more than 100 videos of Tokio Hotel live. And this one, the song Screamin in Singfest of Singapore is one of my favorites videos . 
 I find that the guys are totally in their show. They give evrything they have. They want to perform for the public. And nevertheless it was so hot. There is such an energy in this live  
I really love them!! I like their generosity and their kindness! I so miss them!!

1 comment:

  1. Tout est beau... le paysage, vous mesdemoiselles et la vidéo bien entendu !! On peut dire que vous avez de fabuleux souvenirs plein la tête jusqu'au restant de vos jours :-)) Quelle chance ! Bisous. (Fabienne)
