Sunday, August 12, 2012

Goodbye Berlin! Hello Hamburg!

I finished that day in Berlin with the visits to 2 museums and a walk in the beautiful gardens of Charlottenburg Palace! Wonderful! With a nice sunny day in Berlin!!


A collection of over 750 instruments, with lots of keyboards! I really liked.

Theodor Stöcker - Berlin - 1860

Spieldose für Loschcheiben - Leipzig - 1900

 (At this time no problem of illegal downloading! Not easy! :-)  )

Bubenreuth 1970 - Booneville (Arkansas) 1878 - Gibson ES 350 Kalamazzo(Michigan) 1948
I don't need to worry any more I didn't find the guitars of Tom Kaulitz at the museum. :-) 
Soon a new album!!

Schloss Charlottenburg 
  Built by Elector Friederich III in 1699 as a summer palace for his wife Sophie Charlotte, this regal estate, the largest palace in Berlin, is framed by a baroque-style garden. Inside, a collection of 18th century French paintings is the largest of its kind outside France. Visitors can see the Old Palace, with its baroque rooms, royal apartments, Chinese and Japanese porcelain collections and silverware chambers, as well as the New Wing, with its rococo splendor and fine furniture, added by Friederich the Great. 

 Sunset in Hamburg!

Gute Nacht !!

1 comment:

  1. Ce musée à l'air fantastique et tes photos sont splendides ! Cela fait tellement de bien de redécouvrir Berlin et Hambourg sous d'autres aspects... par le biais de ton blog si enrichissant :-) Merci ! Bisous. (Fabienne)
