Sunday, August 5, 2012

Aliens !

I don’t understand very well why certain Aliens ask me today to stop pretending to be Private Ria. Obviously I don’t hide behind a twitter count with an identity which does not belong to me. My twitter count is called Marie Bello ( bill_kaulitz_fr ), as my real name and as my site.

I created in 2007 and in 2008. I collaborate with Goomradio since the creation of the Radio of Tokio Hotel and I update the blog of the Radio. I also collaborate with Star Planete and I inform them with news about Bill Kaulitz and Tokio Hotel. Star Planete entrusted to me the awards of twins while waiting for their comeback.

The person who hides behind the twitter Private Ria used my photos of Bill's awards that I published here on my blog. My dog was on the photo. It ‘s one of my friends who alerted me.
I asked this twitter count as friend. The person accepted me. I asked for explanations about the publication of my photos with her own logo. I never had answer and I was blocked by this twitter count.

What worries me a lot, it ‘s the number of persons who follow this false twitter count and who think of following the real person. It ‘s really disturbing.

Beware Aliens, all the counts Facebook, twitter pretending to be Bill, Tom, Ria, Andrea, Gordon..  are false. The real counts if they exist, are not called Bill, Tom …..  of course.

The truth about twins and about Tokio Hotel comes from BTK Twins or,  from the official sites, from the official pages …

The leitmotiv of my site since 2007 : 
« Everything which is not said by Bill, Tom, Georg or Gustav is only rumour! Let us respect them! »


  1. Explain this:

    Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom to see everything.

  2. um honey theres no evidence of you ever EVER talking to private ria on your twitter. If she stole your pictures as you claim then why do you not report her on twitter for this? There's a page where you can report her for stealing your photos. Plus how do you explain all the things that match up your things? the fact said private ria is from france? you're from france. You have a dog that she now said is her dog. Stop lying already! it's getting old! We all onto you anyway

  3. I'm just shocked! I talk about my life on this blog to share with my friendsand my family. I talk about my children, my pets and my passions. And people ask me to justify my identity today. I really don't want to answer. I'm just disgusted.
    A site about Twincest Kaulitz!! This disgusts me too!

    1. You got caught! Face the facts if you just admit you stolen some else's identity people would be pissed but not this mad but you keep on telling lies after lies move on with your life bill and tom is living theirs and i would have filed for a restraining order already if i was them. your a crazy woman so don't bullshit us cause you ended up fucking yourself in the process

  4. no answer about why you didn't report her? after all she did steal your photos and you can report her. why after the blog caught you out on the 20th did you on the 25th tweet private ria for the first time? we don't see any other tweets of you talking to her and confronting her. That's cool though.

  5. PrivateRia's website is registered under the name Marion Foussaider. If you are not Marion Foussaider, you could very easily prove it.

    1. no we might get a photoshop!

    2. That's true. Once a poser...

  6. Bon dieu ,mais que les gens sont CON. C'est pas vrai la conneries humaines.Les pauvres filles qui croit n'importe quoi. Pathétique elles me font pitier.

    Ma pauvre Marie je suis de tous coeur avec toi. Bisous ma belle.

    1. Merci Ma Tata! Laisse tomber! C'est du grand n'importe quoi! Par contre ça me gave de voir toutes ces photos personnelles sur ce site. Je vais vraiment porter plainte.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Your one and only proof of confronting her. done two days after we caught you out in being private ria.

  9. I have nothing to do with this Marion whom I don't know. I have just read the article which is offensive towards me and which uses my personal photos with my children. If you don't remove this article I lodge a complaint.

  10. not my mine to remove go fight with the owner of the blog hahahahah! btw! your english matches private ria! thought you should know

  11. the internet is a public place, if you're worried about your kids being in blogs with your weirdness maybe you shouldn't have their photos on the interweb. Just saying.

  12. more proof you're private ria.

  13. instead of sending your pathetic friends to blogs to defend your old ass hows about you get off your ass and report private ria for stealing your photos! or are you too scared in reporting yourself?

  14. The article is on the web for good even they do remove it from the site. Knock it off with this bullshit and quit sending your little bitch to blogs. You're just mad because you have been caught.

  15. The only pathetic here is you Anonymous even have the courage to put your name to bring your bullshit. Go and buy a life rather than annoy the others.

    1. What kind of name is Tatabella? Probably a fake one. Go learn English instead of talking to old woman who impersonate people! If anyone needs to get a life it's you. Maybe a new name too

    2. Sandrine tatabellaAugust 7, 2012 at 4:34 AM

      Reverso thank you, I do not speak English but I make the effort to make you understand a minimum, (sorry that my mother learned respect and politeness) You, you've missed the lesson.
      My life is going very well, thank you and my name is Sandrine tatabella is my nickname.

    3. Sandrine tatabellaAugust 7, 2012 at 4:57 AM

      Sinon je vais faire ma mal poli ,t'auras qu'à traduire. Au lieu d'inventé une vie aux autres ,occupe toi de la tienne. Et surtout évite de devenir détective tu ferais vite faillite.

  16. Whoa your trying way to hard to convince us your not a fraud that it's almost comical. Your acting like your running from the police or some thing lol you can pretend to ria all you want but i don't believe you your a liar.

  17. hello ..I'm reading and i find that it's very funny...Who is this Anonymous ??
    So funny girl (I think that you are a girl ? or not.. or a man ? or a robot ? in fact an anonymous people with no Name ...
    Be careful I think that its times "to get the Bottins outside the 44 tones ..."
    or times to smile of this supid joke ...
    Gute nacht alles //MaB
