Thursday, May 5, 2011

I Won't Say I'm In Love

One day you cross his glance. This happens while you expect it in no way. And suddenly your life has sense only with him, even if you don't want it. You can make nothing. Your heart decided. And everything becomes difficult. You don't want to love him. But you cannot resist.
For me, it was in March 20th, 2007 in Paris. I remember the sentence whom I said in my mind this day there: " Nothing will be as before now! " This is still true today for me!
I like this scene of Hercule's cartoon which illustrates what I have just said.

I like cartoons. I remained very a child for many things. And I like that.


  1. <3 It's so beautiful and true...(tu "boudes" mes mails des 22/04 et 1/5 :'( ils partaient pourtant d'un bon sentiment ! Désolée si cela a été perçu autrement...)

  2. Non Fabi, je ne boude pas tes mails. Tu sais je les lis au bureau et je les mets de côté pour y répondre, mais en ce moment je suis submergé de boulot et je dois passer à autre chose. Promis je te répond. Désolé.
