Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy mother's day Mom!

"I wanted this day of Mother's Day Mom to tell you how much I love you. I know I have not always done what you 'd have liked that I did. I always followed my cravings and I know you didn't often agree. And nevertheless you always stayed behind me and you always supported me. I phoned you even every day 3 years ago. I spoke to you about everything and you never judged, even if you did not agree. You always knew what to say to me so that I feel better. And today, there is this disease which takes you in a strange world where we are not. Why? The life is really unfair. I miss you so. In any case I 'll always be there for you, as you have been for us. I love you Mom. "

I would have liked saying this to my Mom today. I just said her " Bonne fête Maman". Then I write this on my blog. I don't know why.

MY Mom and me! (Yes, I'm the big Baby with big eyes! It's me!)
My son Paul recited me this morning a poem in German! So cute!

"Ich freue mich, wenn ich dich seh', ich finde dich so nett, ich schenke dir mein H und E mein R und auch mein Z." Frantz Wittkamp

A mom is so important for everybody!


  1. Tes propos sont bouleversants... :'( la photo émouvante et la vidéo absolument adorable ! (Fabi)

  2. tu ressembles beaucoup à ta maman...
    fait ch... ces p..... de maladies qui nous enlèvent ceux qu'on aime...
    très mimi ta vidéo, Jeanne a adoré :-)
    gros küss Marie..
