Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I leave spending Christmas with my family in the east of France

I leave by car this morning to spend Christmas with my family, in the east of France, Epinal, next to Nancy.
I leave with Paul, Julie, Bill, Tom and Lova. I let at home Gregor and Günter, my 2 goldfish. They do not bear the car. Lol
I worked 2 days, with a jet lag. And yes I still lived at the time of Tokyo. I wake up at 3 am in the morning.
Nobody to the office. I took advantage of it to make my video of Christmas of my site
I wish you and your family a merry christmas!

"All I want for Christmas is You ....!"


  1. Bonne route et passe de bonnes fêtes...

  2. Merci Manue!

    Passe de bonnes fêtes toi aussi !

