Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Book : Les Ecureuils de Central Park sont tristes le lundi

The Squirrels of Central Park are sad on Mondays of Katherine Pancol.

" Often the life has fun. It offers us a diamond, hidden under a subway ticket or the fallen of a curtain. Lain in ambush in a word, a glance, an idiot. It ‘s necessary to pay attention on details. They sow our life with small pebbles and guide us. Rough people, pressing people, those who wear boxing gloves or make spatter the gravel, ignore details. They want heavy, impressive, beading things, they don’t want to lose one minute to bend for a sou, a straw, the hand of a trembling man. But if we bend, if we stop the time, we discover diamonds in a tense hand … And the life is never sad. Neither Saturday, nor on Sunday, nor on Mondays … "

This novel of Katherine Pancol is led drum beating with generosity, happiness, humor and the optimism which reconciles with the life..

" There is probably a life which I ‘ll eventually live really, no? " Bernard-Marie Koltès.

Marie: I could too ask me this question.

I extracted some sentences of this novel, sentences which I liked and which I share.

Book : " … To want to forget somebody, it 's to think of him all the time... "
Marie: my god! I agree!

Book : " … The squirrel is sad in the big park … Especially on Mondays, when all people of the weekend left. When we launch him no more peanuts or hazelnuts … "
Marie: this explains the title of the book.

Book : " … I would dive back certainly, but I would remember the happiness which you gave me and I would live thanks to this memory … "
Marie: I don't only want to remember the happiness which you gave me, I want to live it again and again. With you ! Come back baby !

Book : " … Because since I was small, I like the beauty of the Parisian buildings and to walk in Paris is for me as to walk on a work of art .. "

Marie: I completely agree.

Book : " … The love it is as roller coasters, that rises and that comes down, that changes all the time. At a moment, I ‘m sure that he loves me and I dance of enjoyment, at another moment, I don’t know any more and I want to sit down on the ground and to die.. "
Marie: I add that being in love, it ‘s to doubt all the time!

Book : " … Put yourself in his position! It ‘s always necessary to put itself in the position of the other if we want to understand … "

Marie: certainly, but not easy sometimes!

Book : " … She imagines her beautiful, erudite, strong. She associates her the Parisian charm and the elegance, the assurance of these French which seem free, freed from everything, which know how to monopolize the heart of a man.. "

Marie: the image of the French, and especially the Parisian. But everything is only appearance!

Book: " … Now I know … It ‘s not a temporary emotion. It ‘s the love which is going to consume me. I suppose that it ‘s what had to happen... "
Marie: it ‘s also what I said 4 years ago, soon 5.

Book : ".. I said to myself that it was dangerous to love somebody because this person was going to turn around against me and to give me a big slap in the face.. "

Book: ".. A nothing grazed her and made her happy. A mere nothing demoralize her or raised in her a wave of hope and heat. I am an immense blotting paper, she says herself to encourage to smile. An immense blotting paper full of stains … "
Marie: I think also of being an immense blotting paper full of stains!


  1. j'ai la trilogie, j'aime bien son écriture...

  2. J'adore sa façon d'écrire, mais aussi sa façon de voir le monde et surtout la relation humaine.
