Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday at home

Sunday quiet at home. I made of the sorting in my clothes today. Before my future moving! But my house isnt still sold. It 's the crisis in Europe at present. People are afraid of buying in the real estate. Banks don't lend any more. Well I hope that this situation isn't going to last for such a long time. I would like to settle this sale to be more free and to be able to go on a journey. Actually I must to remain available for potential buyers! Here are some day photos of me with some of my dresses that I like very much!


  1. Sexy sexy... le photoshooting ;-) Jolies robes très bien portées ! (Fabienne)

  2. ouahhh, quel top model !!!!
    j'aime beaucoup la noire....

  3. Merci les filles! Vous avez vu comment je me la pète!!! Oui la noire est en laine! Et en plus elle est très agréable à porter!!!
