Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Richard David Precht - Who Am I – And If So, How Many?

I have just become reconciled with the philosophy, with this book of the German philosopher David Precht. A bestseller.
In German : "Wer bin ich und wenn ja, vie viele ?"
In English : "Who Am I - And if So, How many ?
In French (I read it in French) : "Qui suis-je et si je suis, Combien ?

Richard David Precht: Taking philosophy mainstream

When someone takes you on such a long intellectual journey with such ease and versatility as Richard David Precht, then it’s an absolute pleasure to accompany him. Not only that, it’s a real achievement that has been rewarded with 700,000 readers in 16 languages. This German bestseller is not exactly based on the stuff you would think dreams are made of: philosophy.

Richard David Precht has written the most successful non-fiction book on philosophy ever published in Germany. The bestseller Who Am I – And If So, How Many? has already been translated into 16 languages and earned much praise from critics.

Precht acts as your travel guide helping you overcome the otherwise unwieldy obstacles presented by Kant, Wittgenstein & Co. as he takes you on his mentally stimulating world trip. He has the gift of presenting philosophy in a popular idiom, served in concise yet substantial portions, and able to satisfy the appetites of readers who don’t happen to spend their professional lives in that proverbial ivory tower, but nevertheless occasionally ask themselves where they really come from, where they’re going and what it all means anyway.
....... young-germany.de

This book is really excellent! Brilliant, funny and impertinent! I would have had this book, when I took my high school diploma (baccalauréat in France), I would maybe have had a better note in philosophy. 8 out of 20 ! Fortunately that I took a scientific high school diploma.
I liked a lot in this book the chapters:
" Have we the right to eat animals? ", " What's the love? ", What's the freedom? "And" What's a happy life? ".
When I read the chapter " have we the right to eat animals? ", I really thought that I would never eat animals. (Neither meat, nor fish). I didn't eat it a lot, but since I don't eat it almost any more. I always thought before the vegetarians exaggerated little with their ideas. Today I don't think any more of it. I think that they are more lucid than the others.

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