I'm sullen today !! I sleep badly at the moment! It 's not because of the end of the world. I don't believe in it. I believe in the end of a world and in the revival of the other one. As the Mayas. So positive for the world. I believe in 2013 ..
No I'm sullen because many persons who I love, worries me at the moment. I didn't work this morning. When I wanted to go to work, Paul stood up. He didn't feel good at all. I told him to return to his bed. Other persons worry me in my family.
And I 'm always worried about Bill and Tom living in Los Angeles. Apparently they are now suffering the harassment of stalker in LA. The end of year is not really pleasant for them.
I so think of them. Regularly. I hope that everything 'll turn out right and that 2013 'll be a good year of success for them. In any case I 'll be there for that and to support them.
Paul feels better now! I 'm going to be able to leave him alone and go to the work. Tonight, I go to the theater in Paris. Long ago. Maybe if Paul feels good!
"... dann wird alles gut
dann wird alles gut
wird alles gut
wird alles gut
alles gut ..."
Bon courage Marie... J'espère que Paul va mieux à présent. La vie et ses tracas, pour soi et ceux que l'on aime, n'est pas simple et la morosité prend vite le dessus. J'ai à la fois de la peine pour toi, car je sais très bien ce que tu ressens et pour Bill et Tom qui avaient trouvé, je le pensais, la sérénité à L.A. Or, il n'en est rien apparemment et tout recommence à cause de ces "no life" de stalkeuses :-@ Ce qu'elles leur ont fait est inadmissible et choquant, j'ai honte pour elles. (Fabienne)