Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekend with my family

I'm just back from my weekend with family in Epinal and Nancy!

 Bill came with me!!

Bill, ready for the weekend!!

 Tom and Lova stayed together at home with a huge plate of food. Poor babies!! I don't like to let them alone for several days, but in the car they are too stressed! Usually friends of me come at my home every day to give them food and to clean the litter, but my friends are on vacation ! They are happy to see us today!!

Tom - Very sweet cat!

Family lunch at Nancy!! Sunny sunday !

Here Volga, an adorable 7 year bitch!

Volga : Why this chair is so small?


  1. Ce n'est pas nouveau... mais l'adorable petite bouille de ton chien me fait définitivement craquer !!!! Tant mieux si tu as passé un bon week-end ensoleillé en famille :-) Bisous. (Fabienne)

  2. Volga ..j'adore l'air totalement cool ..:) Mab
