Thursday, September 22, 2011

Very busy and annoyed Alien!

I am very busy with the sale of my house and the search for apartment.. My house is officially for sale on Saturday and I already have a first visit on Saturday. This house is going to be quickly sold. And I still have no apartment. I visited 2. I visit 2 others on Saturday. I look for F4 with 3 bedrooms. I want a big bedroom for me, because I want to install my piano there to be finally able to replay there quietly. I hope that I am soon going to find!
Why annoyed Alien ? Certains fans wish to collaborate with my site for projects. And very mainly because I update the page of Tokio Hotel on Goomradio. My site is partner of Goomradio since the creation of Tokio Hotel Radio (in 2009).
I am not against collaborations with fans' projects. Moreover I am affiliate with numerous foreign TH sites. But when the projects are built around fans' rivalry, I prefer to refuse. And I hate when certain fans try to trap me to reach their end. I 'm not going to tell what took place, that has no importance. But I am very disappointed one more time by the behavior of the fans of TH. I 'm just going to stop believing that I can have my place among them. The projects 'll make just with the persons of my forum whom I totally trust. For the rest, I ll be alone, wandering Alien. I prefer!
First of all,, I 'm a fan of Bill Kaulitz before of being an Alien. I 'll always be fan of Bill Kaulitz, I don't know if I 'll remain an Alien. In any case, I 'll remain a fan in the shadow.

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