Sunday, March 25, 2012

Call of Tokio Hotel - an answer for me

I received a call of Tokio Hotel via the VIP Call, and the guys answered one of my questions . It was Friday the 23rd March. 

The question was in my Interview "For Love" . With this interview, I wanted to know  if for love, the guys of Tokio Hotel 'd be able to do something which they don't like to do usually or they don't want for sure.
And they answered this question : "Would you be able to stop the music for love? To stop your job? "
I remember I hesitated to ask this question. Because I think that nothing can make them stop this passion for the music, even a big love. And especially I don't want that! And I 'm right! Anyway when 2 persons love each other, they have the same passions. They like the same music. I couldn't fall in love with a man who would ask me to leave my passion for Tokio Hotel, for Bill Kaulitz. It's impossible.
This passion is full of exchanges. I give a lot for it, but these boys gave me so much too! I sometimes wonder how I would have lived my life these last years without them!!
They were a big air bubble! And I still need them today! For this I 'll never leave them and I'll still support them for a long time. 
"Alien one day, Alien forever!" In French this sentence is better, because it's a rhyme!! 
"Alien un jour, Alien toujours"

 Here is their answer. It 's Bill and Tom who answer. And I like very much their answer.

VIPcall TH 23.03.2012 by mariebillk


  1. Une fois de plus, bravo Marie !! Tu as la côte ;-) Il faut dire que tes questions, au moins, sont originales et se démarquent de celles posées habituellement... J'apprécie également beaucoup la réponse de Bill et Tom, car je pense qu'aimer c'est faire le bonheur de l'autre. Si l'amour est sincère, elles ne pourront pas leur infliger un tel sacrifice ! Bisous. (Fabienne)

  2. Je n'ai pas compris tous ce qu'ils ont dis. Juste une petite partie. En faite, juste qu'ils n’arrêteraient pas la musique pour l'amour. Bon anglais a encore besoin d'être travaillé...
    Mais bon, le peu que j'ai compris me plaît beaucoup. Et j'avoue que ta question était bien trouvé. Bien que là non plus j'ai pas compris tout ce que tu as dit. =)
