Monday, October 11, 2010

My program fitness of the week.

Finally I go regularly to the sporting room now. I lost 2 or 3 kilos, which I had taken during the holidays. I ate too much Chinese noodles in Asia. I like chinese noodles. My bottom too. Lol
My program of the week, if I don't go out in the evening. It's rare that I made a sports week complete. The important for me it's to have firm buttocks. I could not support my soft body.
Monday : BODY STEP and abdo


Friday : BODY PUMP

I look for a partner to have a practice of body-building. If you are called Tom it's better. If you have African plaits, it's still better. If you play guitar it's very good too..... OK Nobody ??


  1. Bon sport, çà me manque moi :-( mais vraiment pas le temps pour çà...

  2. Je comprend Manue. Dommage qu'on est si éloignée. Nous pourrions au moins courir ensemble le week-end.

  3. oui dommage car ce serait chouette :-)
