Saturday, July 13, 2013

8th Day Québec ... Last Day

It was very hot in Quebec today. A little walk to discover other parts of the city.

Hello You ... 

And the festival with 2 great bands ... Foreigner and Def Leppard.. Very good Music .. 



Def Leppard

Def Leppard
When I heard this song tonight, I thought of a person. A person I really miss. A person with whom I wanted to be. And I 'm thinking of him ... again and again.. 

We 'll go to Montréal tomorrow afternoon. We have a flight to Paris at 11 p.m. (Montréal time)
Bye Bye Québec .. See You Soon 


  1. :0)
    Je suis certaine que la personne a recu ta vibration d amour .......
    Be happy
    J appelle lundi
    De gros bisous.

  2. hello, un petit coucou de Champi! Foreigner.....quelle chance!!!
    Je vois que tout va bien. Pressée de vous revoir bientôt quand même.... ici il fait toujours aussi beau!!
    Plein de gros gros bisous et bon voyage de retour!
    Little sister
