Thursday, June 13, 2013

Soon the holidays .. Destination Quebec ..

I'll go on vacation this year with my son Paul. He would like to see Quebec.
I went 3 times to Montreal in 2008 to see Tokio Hotel concerts. But I never really had the time to visit.
We have a flight Paris to Montreal on July 5 and we'll be back in Paris on July 15.

We'll stay four days in Montreal and with a rental car I'll ride to Quebec.
(4 days in Montreal, 1 day in Trois-Riviers,  2 days in La Malbaie and 4 days in Quebec)


Parc National des Grands Jardins - Charlevoix

Parc national du Saguenay

Château Frontenac - Quebec


  1. Tabernacle... C'est superbe ! Excellentes vacances en perspective avec Paul :-) Bisous. (Fabienne)

  2. Cool..çà va être génial...super voyage.gros küss ma Marie..
